So I wrote a few days back on how to assemble indoor log furniture. Well, we received a few requests after that to write about what is involved with assembling outdoor log furniture. So today I'm going to talk about that.
How To Assemble Your Outdoor Log Furniture
When looking at a cedar log swing, or a log porch rocker, or a cedar log lounge chair on our site you may feel intimidated mentally breaking the piece down in your head. The truth is... assembling your outdoor log furnitureis very easy. Nope, you don't need to attached each and every back slat or each and every seat slat - it has already been done for you! All of our outdoor log furniture is sent partially assembled, so all that is needed is basic assembly. Let's touch on a few pieces in a bit more detail.
Cedar Log Lounge Chair, Log Loveseats, Log Dining Chairs and all variations of our Outdoor Log Settees
The log lounge chair is one of our most popular sellers due to its versatility. It can be used on a porch or on a deck. Around an outdoor fireplace or in an outdoor seating area. Our log lounge chairs can even be used indoors! We are going to start with the assembly of the outdoor log lounge chair since it is so popular.
When you receive your log lounge chair it will more than likely arrive in one box. The seat will already be assembled as well as the back. The hardest part of the assembly is already done! We do it for you at the factory. What nice people we are you are probably thinking, if not... well please feel free to think that. So you have your assembled back and your assembled seat, you will simply set the assembled seat on the floor and insert the assembled back into the seat. The first step is done and it probably took you all of 30 seconds!
In your outdoor log chair box you will also find two arms, two front legs and two back legs. For the second step you are going to take the back leg and insert the doweled section into a hole on the front leg. You will then place the arm onto the doweled section of the front leg. Next check your watch, that should have taken maybe 2 minutes. Repeat the process again and you will end up with the two arm and leg sections that will attach to the seat and the back. That will complete the second step.
So 5 minutes or less has gone by and we are now heading into step 3. For this step you are going to tip the back and seat (from the first step) onto it's side and insert the sides (the legs and arm assembly you just created in step 2) onto the 2 doweled sections of the seat. Flip the seat around and attach the other side and... nothing... that is it for step 3!
We are now on step 4 and your chair is looking like a chair after just 6 or 7 minutes, you are probably not even tired enough to sit in it yet which is good because we have a couple more steps to go through first. Ok, we have the chair sitting upright now, we are going to open up the hardware packet that came with your log chair and take out a couple lag bolts. Head around to the back of the chair and insert the lag bolts into the back upright log support - you may want to look at the instruction sheet that came with your chair - it has pictures which will probably be a lot easier to understand than this. Anyway - you will insert the lag bolts through the back upright log support and will semi-tighten the lag bolt with a 7/16" wrench or socket. The lag bolt will screw into the arm of the arm and leg section. You will repeat this for each side. All done with step 4, let's move on to step 5.
In the box you will have found 2 angled log braces. You are going to tip your chair on it's back and attach the log braces the the front legs and the bottom of the seat using 4 screws - 2 for each brace. Step 5 is done and you have spent maybe 10 minutes on assembling your chair now.
Step 6 - the last step. Set your log chair on a level surface and tighten down the two lag bolts. Then take the remaining screws and secure all of the doweled joints with the screws - best to refer to the picture in the instruction sheet. This step is actually the most time consuming step and may take 5 minutes. Your outdoor log chair is now assembled and ready for use! Total time for a chair 15'ish minutes!
Cedar Log Rocking Chair, Porch Log Rocker, High Back Log Rocker and Rocking Log Love Seats
Assembly for our outdoor log rocking chairs will be the same as above with one extra step, that step will be attaching the rockers. The rockers will attach to the log chair at the bottom of the legs. Lag bolts will be included to attach the rocking sections to the legs.
Log Yard Swing and Cedar Log Porch Swings
Our log yard swings though larger than a log chair are still very easy to assemble. The assembly is possible with a single person though it is much easier with two people. We'll start with the log porch swing because the assembly will be the same for it as for the log yard swings.
Swing assembly part 1. The first step will very similar to the first step of the log chair. Simply take the pre-assembled back and pre-assembled seat (feel free to think about how nice we are again) and attach the back into the seat. Step 1 is short, sweet and is now complete.
For the second step you will find an arm and an arm brace in the box - you will attach the arm to the arm brace by placing the doweled portion of the brace into the hole of the arm. Then attach the arm to the back of the swing with a lag bolt just like you did with your outdoor log chair. Repeat this step for the opposite side of the seat.
The third step is very similar to the 6th step of the log lounge chair - you are going to secure all dowel joints with the included non rusting screws.
For the fourth step you are either going to attach the eye bolts for chains if you purchased a Rustic Natural Cedar Log Porch Swing with Chain Kit, or you are going to attach log swing bars if you purchased my family's Contoured Comfort (Lakeland Mills, Inc) porch swing.
That's it! Assembling the rustic porch swings are quick and painless - they will probably take around 15 minutes to assemble as well.
For those with Log Yard Swings we have a couple more steps to go. We are going to assemble the Log A-Frame assembly now. The log A-frame will consist of the top log and 4 legs. The 4 legs will attach to the ends of the top support log with bolts. Half log braces then attach to the legs and from the legs to the top of the top log - this is the part where it is handy to have 2 people. One person can hold one end of the A-Frame as the other attaches the half log braces.
Lift the porch swing up and attach it to your A-Frame and enjoy your new log yard swing! We estimate assembly of a yard swing to take around 30 minutes or less.
Cedar Log Ottomans, Log Coffee Tables and Log End Tables
Outdoor log tables and rustic log ottomans also need just basic assembly. The tops will already be assembled. All you will have to do is attach the legs to the tops.
I would like to thank those of you who requested this article/blog writeup. If you would like to read about something log furniture or rustic furniture related please feel free to contact me with your requests of what you would like to see me write.
Thank you,
Jason Hunt
JHE's Log Furniture Place
How To Assemble Your Outdoor Log Furniture
When looking at a cedar log swing, or a log porch rocker, or a cedar log lounge chair on our site you may feel intimidated mentally breaking the piece down in your head. The truth is... assembling your outdoor log furnitureis very easy. Nope, you don't need to attached each and every back slat or each and every seat slat - it has already been done for you! All of our outdoor log furniture is sent partially assembled, so all that is needed is basic assembly. Let's touch on a few pieces in a bit more detail.
Cedar Log Lounge Chair, Log Loveseats, Log Dining Chairs and all variations of our Outdoor Log Settees
The log lounge chair is one of our most popular sellers due to its versatility. It can be used on a porch or on a deck. Around an outdoor fireplace or in an outdoor seating area. Our log lounge chairs can even be used indoors! We are going to start with the assembly of the outdoor log lounge chair since it is so popular.
When you receive your log lounge chair it will more than likely arrive in one box. The seat will already be assembled as well as the back. The hardest part of the assembly is already done! We do it for you at the factory. What nice people we are you are probably thinking, if not... well please feel free to think that. So you have your assembled back and your assembled seat, you will simply set the assembled seat on the floor and insert the assembled back into the seat. The first step is done and it probably took you all of 30 seconds!
In your outdoor log chair box you will also find two arms, two front legs and two back legs. For the second step you are going to take the back leg and insert the doweled section into a hole on the front leg. You will then place the arm onto the doweled section of the front leg. Next check your watch, that should have taken maybe 2 minutes. Repeat the process again and you will end up with the two arm and leg sections that will attach to the seat and the back. That will complete the second step.
So 5 minutes or less has gone by and we are now heading into step 3. For this step you are going to tip the back and seat (from the first step) onto it's side and insert the sides (the legs and arm assembly you just created in step 2) onto the 2 doweled sections of the seat. Flip the seat around and attach the other side and... nothing... that is it for step 3!
We are now on step 4 and your chair is looking like a chair after just 6 or 7 minutes, you are probably not even tired enough to sit in it yet which is good because we have a couple more steps to go through first. Ok, we have the chair sitting upright now, we are going to open up the hardware packet that came with your log chair and take out a couple lag bolts. Head around to the back of the chair and insert the lag bolts into the back upright log support - you may want to look at the instruction sheet that came with your chair - it has pictures which will probably be a lot easier to understand than this. Anyway - you will insert the lag bolts through the back upright log support and will semi-tighten the lag bolt with a 7/16" wrench or socket. The lag bolt will screw into the arm of the arm and leg section. You will repeat this for each side. All done with step 4, let's move on to step 5.
In the box you will have found 2 angled log braces. You are going to tip your chair on it's back and attach the log braces the the front legs and the bottom of the seat using 4 screws - 2 for each brace. Step 5 is done and you have spent maybe 10 minutes on assembling your chair now.
Step 6 - the last step. Set your log chair on a level surface and tighten down the two lag bolts. Then take the remaining screws and secure all of the doweled joints with the screws - best to refer to the picture in the instruction sheet. This step is actually the most time consuming step and may take 5 minutes. Your outdoor log chair is now assembled and ready for use! Total time for a chair 15'ish minutes!
Cedar Log Rocking Chair, Porch Log Rocker, High Back Log Rocker and Rocking Log Love Seats
Assembly for our outdoor log rocking chairs will be the same as above with one extra step, that step will be attaching the rockers. The rockers will attach to the log chair at the bottom of the legs. Lag bolts will be included to attach the rocking sections to the legs.
Log Yard Swing and Cedar Log Porch Swings
Our log yard swings though larger than a log chair are still very easy to assemble. The assembly is possible with a single person though it is much easier with two people. We'll start with the log porch swing because the assembly will be the same for it as for the log yard swings.
Swing assembly part 1. The first step will very similar to the first step of the log chair. Simply take the pre-assembled back and pre-assembled seat (feel free to think about how nice we are again) and attach the back into the seat. Step 1 is short, sweet and is now complete.
For the second step you will find an arm and an arm brace in the box - you will attach the arm to the arm brace by placing the doweled portion of the brace into the hole of the arm. Then attach the arm to the back of the swing with a lag bolt just like you did with your outdoor log chair. Repeat this step for the opposite side of the seat.
The third step is very similar to the 6th step of the log lounge chair - you are going to secure all dowel joints with the included non rusting screws.
For the fourth step you are either going to attach the eye bolts for chains if you purchased a Rustic Natural Cedar Log Porch Swing with Chain Kit, or you are going to attach log swing bars if you purchased my family's Contoured Comfort (Lakeland Mills, Inc) porch swing.
That's it! Assembling the rustic porch swings are quick and painless - they will probably take around 15 minutes to assemble as well.
For those with Log Yard Swings we have a couple more steps to go. We are going to assemble the Log A-Frame assembly now. The log A-frame will consist of the top log and 4 legs. The 4 legs will attach to the ends of the top support log with bolts. Half log braces then attach to the legs and from the legs to the top of the top log - this is the part where it is handy to have 2 people. One person can hold one end of the A-Frame as the other attaches the half log braces.
Lift the porch swing up and attach it to your A-Frame and enjoy your new log yard swing! We estimate assembly of a yard swing to take around 30 minutes or less.
Cedar Log Ottomans, Log Coffee Tables and Log End Tables
Outdoor log tables and rustic log ottomans also need just basic assembly. The tops will already be assembled. All you will have to do is attach the legs to the tops.
I would like to thank those of you who requested this article/blog writeup. If you would like to read about something log furniture or rustic furniture related please feel free to contact me with your requests of what you would like to see me write.
Thank you,
Jason Hunt
JHE's Log Furniture Place